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  Presssure Treated Lumber and Timber Pilings

Gulf Coast Lumber sells a full line of Southern Yellow Pine pressure treated lumber ready to ship in bundles or as pieces to your project from locations in Houston, Texas and the Central American Country of Costa Rica.

Southern Yellow Pine is the preferred species for pressure treatment because of its unique cellular structure that permits deep, uniform penetration of preservatives.  Some 85% of all pressure-treated wood produced in the U.S. is Southern Pine.   In addition to being the strongest softwood structural pine, it is abundantly grown, and dimensionally stable.

Contact us online or call Gulf Coast Lumber at (281) 670-8631 to get a quote for your next pressure treated lumber project.
In Costa Rica call us at (506) 2671-2339

  Treatment Options

We specialize in treated wood products.  We sell wood and pressure treated lumber products to meet your requirements and in accordance with national and local regulations.

Most dimensional pressure treated lumber is treated either ACQ (Alkaline Copper Quat), MCQ (Micronized Copper Quat) or MCA (Micronized Copper Azole).  Larger dimensional lumber (2x8 and above) can be treated with CCA(Chromated Copper Arsenate) but only for use in certain commercial construction applications.

CCA Pressure Treated Lumber
CCA is considered by many professionals to be the best lumber treatment. It is clean to work with, long-lasting, and relatively non-corrosive to metal hardware and fasteners.

ACQ Pressure Treated Lumber
ACQ treated lumber is an effective treatment approved for consumer use. ACQ has been in use since 1990 for projects ranging from decks to docks to piers. ACQ is more corrosive to hardware and fasteners than CCA and MCQ so coated hardware and fasteners needs to be used with ACQ treated lumber

MCQ Pressure Treated Lumber
MCQ treated lumber is an excellent choice for dimensional lumber as it relatively non-corrosive to hardware and fasteners and does not leach as much as ACQ. It is odorless and colorless.  In fact, MCQ treated lumber looks so natural it is sometimes returned by customers who argue it was delivered untreated.

MCA Pressure Treated Lumber
MCA treated lumber is another excellent choice for dimensional lumber. Like MCQ it is relatively non-corrosive to hardware and fasteners and does not leach as much as ACQ.  MCA pressure treated lumber can also be tinted at time of treatment to either a Cedar or Redwood color.

For more information on these treatment options contact one of our product specialists online or give Gulf Coast Lumber a call at (281) 670-8631 to discuss your requirements.  In Costa Rica call us at (506) 2671-2339

  Treatment Levels

Each of the various preservatives have their own unique minimum retention requirements as shown below.  Retention levels are in pounds per cubic foot (pcf) of wood.

Above Ground - General Use
Ground Contact & Fresh Water - General Use
Ground Contact - Permanent Wood Foundation
Salt Water Submersion      

Other retention levels, such as .80, 1.00, and 1.50 pcf, are available and often specified for specific uses, regions, or applications

Have It Your Way
Gulf Coast Lumber supplies pressure treated lumber and timber products for residential, commercial, industrial, and marine projects. Your treated wood can be made to order. Our experts in treated wood products and projects are happily waiting to assist you.

Call us at (281) 670-8631 or contact us online to discuss your treated wood project. In CR call us at 2671-2339

  Treated Rough Lumber

We specialize in rough cut treated lumber, manufacturing many standard and custom sizes to meet your project requirements.  Should you need a special size of rough treated lumber or require lumber that is especially large or long Call us at (281) 670-8631.  We can cut, dry, treat and ship it to you.  We also supply custom cut and drilled lumber such as corbels or rafter tails. Contact us online or Call 281-670-8631

Building a bulkhead or retaining wall? Contact us online or call (281) 670-8631 as we specialize in treated rough lumber for these applications. In Costa Rica call us at (506) 2671-2339

Extended Durability - For an even longer lasting bulkhead or retaining wall, use our polymer vinyl coating on your rough treated lumber components. Our polymer vinyl coating adds extra protection against attacks to your treated wood from marine borers and UV rays. Our polymer vinyl coating stops the chemicals used for pressure treating from leaching - meaning the treatment stays in the lumber forever to protect and preserve your investment.

  Dimensional Pressure Treated Lumber (S4S - Smooth)

Gulf Coast Lumber can supply nearly any length of S4S treated lumber. Most treated lumber is supplied in bundle quantities or as part of your total project. Below is a grade and length chart with additional information. Our experts are standing by ready to assist you. Call us at (281) 670-8631 or contact us via this website. In Costa Rica call us at (506) 2671-2339

Grades and Sizes of Dimensional (S4S) Pressure Treated Lumber
(1=#1 grade - kiln dried, 2=#2 grade, F=Fire Retardant)

1 x 4
1, 2, F
1, 2, F
1, 2, F
1, 2, F
1, 2, F
1 x 6
1, 2, F
1, 2, F
1, 2, F
1, 2, F
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2 x 4
1, 2, F
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2 x 6
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2 x 8
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2 x 10
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2 x 12
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1, 2
4 x 4
1, 2, F
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1, 2
4 x 6
1, 2, F
1, 2, F
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1, 2, F
1, 2, F
1, 2

Call us at (281) 670-8631 or contact us through this website. In CR call us at (506) 2671-2339

Copyright 2009 Gulf Coast Lumber All Rights Reserved.